Five helpful tips on how you can lessen the symptoms of hay fever

Five helpful tips on how you can lessen the symptoms of hay fever

With the warmth comes pollen and the seasonal hay fever – but what can you do?

The snow is melting, the temperature is rising, and everything is in bloom; it is spring, and pollen is coming. Not a source of joy to the 10-30 % of the British population, suffering from seasonal hay fever. Hay fever is an allergic reaction, causing a stuffy nose, red and itchy eyes, along with countless sneezing fits. The seasonal hay fever is caused by different types of trees, grasses, herbs, mushrooms, and flowers.

Today, seasonal hay fever is most commonly treated medicinally with antihistamines counteracting the allergic reaction. In severe cases of hay fever, it might be necessary to use a nasal spray, containing small amounts of corticosteroids or to receive a vaccine for the hay fever. However, there a few helpful tips that you can use to lessen the symptoms.

  • Check the pollen counts – when the pollen counts increase, the hay fever is worsened. By keeping an eye on the pollen forecast, it is possible to plan the day and take the hay fever medication at the most optimal time; as well as knowing when to close the doors and windows
  • Air out – airing out helps establish a better indoor climate. However, you should refrain from doing so at noon, where the pollen counts often peak. Either air out during the early morning (6am-7am) or during the late evening (around 10pm), where dew forms and the pollen counts decrease
  • Avoid smoking – both the passive and active kind, as it only exacerbates the symptoms
  • Cross reactions – if your mouth gets itchy when eating nuts, it may be evidence of a cross reaction, which will make the hay fever more severe. Therefore, it may be wise to avoid eating nuts whenever the pollen counts are high
  • Sunglasses – are cool, and at the same time they can shield your eyes from pollen. So wear them while biking – and don’t forget the helmet, while you are at it!

Daily pollen forecasts can be found at



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